TCC | February 1st Home Maintenance Checklist: A Year of Safety and Comfort


As we step into February,

It's time for our annual household check-off list to ensure your home remains a safe and comfortable haven throughout the year. Here's your comprehensive checklist for February 1st:

Smoke Alarms:
- Check all smoke alarms in your home.
- Replace batteries to ensure they are in proper working order.
- Confirm that each alarm is functioning by conducting a test.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors:
- Test and replace batteries in carbon monoxide detectors.
- Ensure detectors are strategically placed in key areas for maximum safety.

HVAC System:
- Change air filters to maintain clean and efficient air circulation.
- Schedule a professional HVAC inspection for optimal performance.

- Inspect faucets and pipes for any leaks.
- Check water heater for signs of corrosion or inefficiency.

Fire Extinguishers:
- Confirm that fire extinguishers are easily accessible.
- Check the expiration date and replace if necessary.

Emergency Kit:
- Review and update your home's emergency kit.
- Ensure it includes essentials like flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and non-perishable food.

Pest Control:
- Inspect your home for any signs of pests.
- Schedule professional pest control services if needed.

Home Exterior:
- Clean gutters and downspouts.
- Check for any signs of damage to the roof or siding.

- Clean refrigerator coils and vents.
- Schedule professional maintenance for major appliances.

General Organization:
- Declutter and organize common areas.
- Donate or discard items you no longer need.

Taking the time to complete this checklist ensures a safe, efficient, and comfortable living space for you and your family throughout the year. If you need any assistance or would like to schedule professional cleaning services, feel free to reach out to us at 516-714-3549 or via email at

Wishing you a year filled with safety, comfort, and the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained home.

Warm regards,


The Cleaning Company



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